
Getting Serious about Localized Cybercrime
I read an interesting article earlier this morning from the good folks at about what the state of Ohio is doing to further mitigate cybercrime. Apparently, the way the current law is written, only successful hacks are penalized and not actual attempts. Well, isn't that just a kick in the pants. It's like taking legal action only against the successful bank robbers and letting the oafs who bungled their attempt just go about their business.
Glad to know our legislators are at least trying to catch-up. I'm sure there are many managed IT service providers and cybercrime software technologists just chomping at the bit to take someone to task on this. If I were in their shoes, I certainly would be. But gladly, I am not in their shoes. I like mine just fine, thank you.
However, as a bizdev guy thinking about best leveraging technology for my business as well as my clients, cybercrime is a big deal. And not just because we are doing more stuff virtually. People in my line of work have always relied quite heavily on technology and virtual selling. It's a big deal because now the general population is so heavily reliant on technology to simply exist day-to-day that not taking illegal attempts-to-hack as seriously as actual successful illegal hacks is a mistake of massive proportions. There are implications way downfield that can cost individuals and companies millions or more. And in the world of SMBs the negative impacts can be even more profound than for F100s. Why? Because even what may seem like a minor setback is significantly magnified for SMBs, as they operate with significantly fewer resources.
So, what is the upshot of all my ranting? Make sure your small business is fully protected from cybercrime. You don't need to spend a fortune but you do need to allocate the appropriate funds. To get started, reach out to your friendly neighborhood managed IT service providers. Do some research on which one meets your needs and is credible. Then hire 'em.
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