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Awesome Blog Post from My Friends at Felber

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Scott Moss
August 10, 2020

The head of Felber PR & Marketing is Rob Felber, a Pepper Pike firefighter, and B2B marketing pro to many NEO manufacturing companies. He and his staff are well-versed in what it takes for manufacturers to stay top of mind with and earn business from their target ideal customer base. To that end, Allie Miller, the firm's specialist in B2B manufacturing communications posted some very insightful content last week that I think deserves some viral exposure.

She deftly handles the topic of how rust belt companies can grow sales in our COVID-19 world. My favorite point? Easy, review your sales process & develop a consistent, structured process. Now you're speaking my language!

You can read all of what she wrote by clicking right here. And please do share it with your connections who may benefit from it. Allie clearly knows what it takes to Achieve Greatness and if you read her post, you will too.

Have a great Monday!